#LovedClothesLast – Fashion Revolution Campaign

Directed by Balthazar Klarwein and produced by Feel Films, the beautifully visualised advert #LovedClothesLast is raising serious awareness of the evergreen topic in fashion, sustainability issues. Near-future, altered reality, end of the world state Fashion Revolution ad plays on very real issues and problems of the current fashion industry. Mass-production of clothes that will be replaced in less than a month, becoming worthless, ones without value, as there is simply no value assigned to them. If one does not see physical value in them, connect it with psychological/emotional one and at that moment you create something with a connection to the user, therefore protecting it from becoming worthless. This solving the issue of fast-fashion, where sustainability and reusability is an ever-growing problem. First of all, I chose this particular piece because the video speaks a strong message, through a strong, visually creative way. Second of all, because the brand I will advertise, will work on has similar values and missions.


“It may not seem so at the start, but this film is about love.”



Refinery29.uk. (2017). This Short Film Shines A Spotlight On The Issue Of Mass Consumption & Waste. [online] Available at: http://www.refinery29.uk/2017/04/151335/fashion-revolution-film-loved-clothes-last-exclusive [Accessed 6 Jan. 2018].

YouTube. (2017). Loved Clothes Last. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4zXQWrcTKgs [Accessed 7 Jan. 2018].


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