The majority of this short film is about a character trying to achieve telekinesis and when he does its such a underwhelming experience. For example, the film gives the impression that the TV will be lifted when instead a book is lifted as he hits himself in the face with it.
The effects used for the telekinesis effect seem to of been achieved through rotoscoping green screen footage and then animating the book through a motion blur and rotation.
One thing that stood out to me more than the actual telekinesis effect was the sound used in this short film. The use of trumpets really support the build of of anticipation when the character is concentrating on moving the TV and when this falls flat, it is mirrored in the sound of the trumpets which too fall flat.
I need to start thinking about the types of sound that I will use within my own short film to, like this one support my narrative.
SANFORD, A. (2016) Telekinesis | Comedy Short. YouTube. Available from: [Accessed 27th December 2017.]