My commercial tells the story of 5 kids on a treasure hunt and for most of their journey they are on bikes. Filming the bike scenes were a challenge, but researching ’80s films that managed to capture the intensity, magic and adventure of a bike chase helped to gain an insight into how to best film it.
The most important thing is the setting – choosing a wide, almost barren landscape is ideal. However, there were limitations set on me – I couldn’t realistically take the kids I’m shooting with out of the area we were filming in, which is a built-up area. This did take away some of the magic of the scene.
However this clip in particular helped me to still capture the action and adventure through POV shots (1:17), close-up shots of dirt and wheels (2:27). Furthermore, the music (fast-paced and quick) also sped up the action, with the sounds of the bikes, and kids further enhancing an already action-packed, adrenaline-inducing, and emotional scene.