Grace’s and Aleks’ amazing microscopy images were chosen for the “Reframe Dementia” exhibition at the gallery@oxo, South Bank, London!
We have two PhD studentships advertised!
Are you interested in working with us? Please apply here:
What is the limiting step in pathogenic tau transmission along neuronal networks?
Congratulations Ale!
Ale and Francesco’s paper is accepted in J Cell Sci! Congratulations!!
Auf wiedersehen Prutha
Prutha has wrapped up her lab work in Southampton and is now writing her thesis.. We miss you already!
Bhaji super chefs
Congratulations Prutha and Bhav, winners of the first (annual?) Great British Bhaji-off! And huge thank-you to Sumeet for organising such a wonderful event!!
Congratulations Dr Hallinan!
Grace and her examiners, John and Selina. All smiling now!
Mercedes joined the lab – from a distance!
Mercedes joined us on a cross-pond quest for a PhD! Boston and Southampton just moved bit closer together..
Mariam, Marlene and Molly have joined the lab
Mariam, Marlene and Molly have joined our lab for their Master’s projects, investigating different aspects of the axonal biology of tauopathies
Grace submitted her Thesis!
Congratulation to Grace for submitting her thesis today – exactly 3 years after starting! Well done!
Another Poster Prize!
Congratulations to Grace for winning 2nd place at the poster competition at our Annual SoNG symposium! Well done