Everything you say and how you act is somehow perceived by other people around. Depending on the words you use and how you speak (or write) you may sound happy or angry, polite or rude, and ultimately negative or positive.
Very often we are not aware of how we are seen, that is what Johari Window, a psychological model, says. According to its theory, everyone has a blind area, which is unknown to yourself but known by other individuals.
Wouldn’t be great if you could unlock that blindside and discover how you are doing with your speech online? That’s exactly what Aura does! With your permission, it checks everything you write, share, comment, and your reaction (like, dislike and other custom interactions), so you can know what kind of emotion you seem to have from the reader perspective.
What is this for? Well, you can learn a bit more about yourself and maybe change your behaviour online to reflect a more positive attitude. This is good! Can you imagine if everyone could be just a little self-critical on the social media, a little less impulsive and angry? We believe we all can have a bright and beautiful Aura.

The etymology of the word Aura
According to the Oxford Dictionary, Aura comes from the Greek/Latin. Its primary meaning was “gentle breeze”, turning to the current sense in the 18th century. The modern definition of Aura is “a feeling or particular quality that is very noticeable and seems to surround a person or place”.
The concept is expanded in the spiritualistic context to refer to the holistic system of seven layers of human energy. You can learn a little bit more this topic reading the ebook Your Seven Energy Centers.
Source: Playbuzz
Interesting fact
Several languages that inherited terminologies from the Latin have Aura in their vocabulary. Therefore, Aura is an international concept that can be comprehended by people around the world, being their language English, Spanish, Portuguese or French, for example.
Don’t get confused, though
To be clear, we listed below all the things that Aura really is, and also everything it is not, so you cannot misunderstand the purpose of our application.
Further reading
The Johari Window: Know and Share Yourself With Skill