Category: <span>Welcome and Introduction</span>


Welcome to our project portfolio. Herein, we present an innovative web application as a coursework of the moduleĀ COMP6217Ā Science of Online Social Networks at the University of Southampton. Aura is a system that aggregates content from several existing social networks websites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to analyse the sentiment …

What Aura is

Everything you say and how you act is somehow perceived by other people around.Ā  Depending on the words you use and how you speak (or write) you may sound happy or angry, polite or rude, and ultimately negative or positive. Very often we are not aware of how we are …

First steps

The Team Eleven had the first meeting on 7th March 2018, when each member brought up an idea for a new online social network or web application so we could discuss and choose the best option considering the aspects of value proposition, innovation, profitability and social impact. In order to …