Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

To reach the targeting users and continually expand the Aura business, it is necessary a well planned digital marketing strategy. Successful campaigns should use different techniques to achieve the purpose abovementioned. Herein we explain the strategies we have adopted with a brief conceptualization.


Monetization is an important part that businesses need to consider since they have to profit to continue further operation and development. Thus, our social network startup will invest in a wide advertisement model, especially at this early stage. As part of this strategy, banners will be set on the platform website to display partners’ advertisements. We consider using an ads exchange platforms such as AppNexus because it is more efficient and could help Aura to maximise its monetization by using real-time bidding [1].

The next step will be to expand Aura to a B2B (Business to Business) strategy based on a subscription model, offering features for recruiting process and analysis of candidates profiles. Subscribed companies will have tools to check the emotional profile and personality of their candidates in order to verify if they are suitable for the positions they are applying for, before hiring them.

For example, if a candidate has good Aura and strong emotional assets for leadership, this person may be suitable for running a marketing sector. The subscription model will be a monthly paid service. Therefore, Aura would have a fixed revenue for a long-term period.

Search Engine Optimization

One of the important digital marketing strategies for Aura is the Search Engine Optimization (SEO). SEO refers to “the application of specialist expertise for the purpose of increasing the quality and quantity of organic traffic from search engines to a webpage” [2]. In order to make Aura easier to be found by Internet users, SEO has to be applied to its website.

In terms of onsite SEO, it will be better to create high-quality contents and fill the HTML meta tags, so search engines as Google and Bing can index the pages from Aura’s website, showing them on the search results for the keywords related to.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner can help the company to do this job suggesting the relevant terms for the type of business. Some examples of searched keywords are: “emotion analysis”, “feeling analysis”, “sentiment analysis”, “self-perception”, “test of personality”.

Another solution that will be explored is the Google Sponsored Links that is “an option that Google offers to site and businesses that want to pay a fee to appear in the search results for relevant search queries” [3]. As Internet users search keywords that are related to Aura and its service, the platform website will be recommended to people at the top rank of their search results.

YouTube Advertisement

YouTube advertisement is also an important strategy for Aura. There are many small and medium-size companies that use YouTube to reach their targeting customers. Thus, Aura took this fact into consideration to create a short video to attract new users. YouTube allows advertisers to select their targeting visitors by segmenting users according to demographic and personal aspects like location, gender and contents of interest.


[1] AppNexus. (2018). AppNexus for Publishers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Mar. 2018].

[2] Wilson, L. (2016). Tactical SEO: The Theory and Practice of Search Marketing. Kogan Page.

[3] WordStream, S. (2018). Sponsored Links in Google: How to Get Your Ad in Google’s Paid Links. [online] Available at: [Accessed 11 Apr. 2018].

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