Overview of pitch to dragons’ den panel

Overview of pitch to dragons’ den panel

What do we have to offer?

A web-based application for people to find out the feelings or emotions they are sharing on their social networks, and for business to analyse data from their customers and job candidates.



We want to help people to improve themselves and be positive, so we can live in a better society where social media are used for good purposes, not for hate.


What is new about it?

The sentiment analysis applied to content from multiple sources associated with a gamification strategy to provide fun and enable engagement. People will know a bit more aboutĀ themselves (self-knowledge), and this is a positive thing.


Who are our users?

We have as users any people who have access to the Internet and are moreĀ than 18. They do not have to pay to use our platform.


Who are our customers?

Any type and size of companies. We will offer various subscription plans for different business needs, including services like marketing reports and personality profile of job candidates.


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