Survey: Introduction

Survey: Introduction

In order to understand peoples’ attitudes and the relevance of sentiment analysis on social media, a survey was conducted to help us to test people’s acceptance of Aura. The link to the questionnaire was posted on social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn and also shared with friends and acquaintances on WhatsApp groups. The survey includes, designed on iSurvey ( a survey generation and research tool for distributing online questionnaire from University of Southampton) has 12 questions:

  1. Do you take part of any existing online social network?

  2. Which platforms (social networks) below do you use, ordered by frequency?
  3. Why do you use social media?
  4. What activity do you use most frequently in social media?
  5. How often do you share your emotions and perceptions of yourself with your friends and family on social media?
  6. Do you find easy to share your emotions and perceptions of yourself on social media?
  7. Do you find easy to share your emotions and perceptions of yourself on social media?
  8. Our perceptions of our own personality are vivid, but how accurate are they? How well do you know yourself? How clearly can you see yourself?
  9. Would you like to know how close are your self‐perceptions to your friends’ and families’ perceptions of you?
  10. Would you like to know how others see you?
  11. Can you trust people’s self‐perceptions of their personality to be an accurate reflection of what they are like?
  12. It’s difficult to describe ourselves. Would you like to play a game for identifying your perceptions of your own personality, emotions and check if it matches your actual behaviour?

Go to Aura Survey


These 12 questions can be divided into three sections: 1) (Q1-4) social network context, which sites are used and how often; 2) (Q5-11) emotions shared and perceived on social media, and sentiment analysis; 3) (Q12) acceptance of Aura. We got 57 participants that completed our online survey.



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