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documenta and Münster Sculpture Project: Habitation and Displacement

Nadia Thondrayen, Programming Co-ordinator at John Hansard Gallery, reports back on two of the art world’s most exciting and celebrated European exhibitions that took place earlier this year.

Continue reading documenta and Münster Sculpture Project: Habitation and Displacement

Leaping Forward: The Value of Arts and Culture for Everyone

The  John Hansard Gallery’s Head of Education, Dr Ronda Gowland-Pryde, discusses the importance of accessibility to the arts ahead of her appearance later this week speaking at Creativity & Life Chances: Artswork Conference 2017, alongside other leading professionals in the field from around the country.
Image: Department for Doing Nothing, © John Hansard Gallery

Continue reading Leaping Forward: The Value of Arts and Culture for Everyone

The Wandering Intern: one student’s unexpected tour of Southampton’s campuses and arts organisations

Elspeth Williams explains how she went from being a humanities student to an arts one, and where that journey has taken her now. Continue reading The Wandering Intern: one student’s unexpected tour of Southampton’s campuses and arts organisations