John Hansard Gallery: Making Waves in the Community

After visiting John Hansard Gallery, Arts Ambassador Jenny Banful reflects on how the Cultural Quarter is supporting the shape of Southampton’s identity.

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REVIEW Resist: be modern (again)

Paige Michel-Strachan, BA History student and ‘Excel’ Intern reviews the Resist: be modern (again) exhibition at John Hansard Gallery. Here Paige lists her favourite artworks and explains why she likes them so much.

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A Tale of Two Galleries

Arts Ambassador Molly Ellis shares her experience of attending two contrasting art exhibition launches in one week. Private views of Resist: be modern (again) at John Hansard Gallery (JHG) and Banana Split at the Alfred Arcade.

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Introducing Paige Michel-Strachan: John Hansard Gallery Engagement and Marketing ‘Excel’ Intern

BA History student, Paige Michel-Strachan, introduces herself and tells us what she hopes to achieve during her role as Engagement and Marketing Intern.

Continue reading Introducing Paige Michel-Strachan: John Hansard Gallery Engagement and Marketing ‘Excel’ Intern

My UoS Journey: Nadia Daniel, Turner Sims Programming and Marketing Intern.

Nadia Daniel, University of Southampton Graduate and recent Programme and Marketing Intern at Turner Sims, marks the beginning and end of her internship with two reflective blogs.  Read on to learn about her #MyUoSJourney
Continue reading My UoS Journey: Nadia Daniel, Turner Sims Programming and Marketing Intern.