Joint Source and Channel Coding

August 25th, 2019
  1. M. A. M. Izhar, A. J. Aljohani, S. X. Ng and L. Hanzo, “Distributed Joint Source Coding and Trellis Coded Modulation for Symbol-Based Markov Sources“, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, December 2017.
  2. P. Botsinis, Y. Huo, D. Alanis, Z. Babar, S. X. Ng and L. Hanzo, “Quantum Search-Aided Multi-User Detection of IDMA-Assisted Multi-Layered Video Streaming“, IEEE Access, July 2017.
  3. A. Aljohani, Z. Babar, S. X. Ng and L. Hanzo, “Distributed Source-Channel Coding Using Reduced-Complexity Syndrome-Based TTCM“, IEEE Communications Letters, Vol. 20, No. 10, October 2016.
  4. A. Aljohani, S. X. Ng and L. Hanzo, “Distributed Source Coding and Its Applications in Relaying-Based Transmission“, IEEE Access, 4, 1940-1970, 2016.
  5. A. J. Aljohani, S. X. Ng and L. Hanzo, “TTCM-aided rate-adaptive distributed source coding for Rayleigh fading channels“, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology vol. 63, no.3, pp. 126-134, March 2014.
  6. A. J. Aljohani, S. X. Ng, R. G. Maunder and L. Hanzo, “EXIT-chart Aided Joint Source-Coding, Channel-Coding and Modulation Design for Two-Way Relaying“, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 62, no. 6, pp. 2496-2506, July 2013.
  7. N. S. Othman, M. El-Hajjar, O. Alamri, S. X. Ng and L. Hanzo, “Iterative AMR-WB Source and Channel Decoding Using Differential Space-Time Spreading-Assisted Sphere-Packing Modulation“, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 484 – 490 , Jan. 2009.
  8. R. G. Maunder, J. Wang, S. X. Ng, L.-L. Yang and L. Hanzo, “On the Performance and Complexity of Irregular Variable Length Codes for Near-Capacity Joint Source and Channel Coding“, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 1338-1347, April 2008.
  9. S. X. Ng, J. Y. Chung, P. Cherriman and L. Hanzo, “Burst-by-Burst Adaptive Decision Feedback Equalised TCM, TTCM and BICM for H.263-Assisted Wireless Video Telephony“, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 16, no. 3, pp. 363-374, March 2006.
  10. S. X. Ng, J. Y. Chung and L. Hanzo, “Turbo-Detected Unequal Protection MPEG-4 Wireless Video Telephony using Multi Level Coding, Trellis Coded Modulation and Space-Time Trellis Coding“, IEE Proceedings on Communications, vol. 152, no. 6, pp. 1116-1124, December 2005.
  11. S. X. Ng, F. Guo, J. Wang, L-L. Yang and L. Hanzo, “Joint Source-coding, Channel-coding and Modulation schemes for AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels“, IEE Electronics Letters, 21st of August, 2003, Vol. 39, No. 17, pp. 1259-1261.
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