Posted by: Andy Tickner | 14th January 2011

Port Safety & Security

The Port of Gijón (PAG) aims to improve the dependability of its ICT and CCTV network that is supporting all management and security services. PAG is certified according to IMO ISPS Code and ISO Standard 28000. Both of these services rely on the availability of the communications network, under any operational condition. However, the continuity of information and communication services cannot currently be assured. SERSCIS will help to overcome the potential lack of network services availability in case of incidents or accidents.

SERSCIS is relevant to PAG and other Ports in the following ways:

PAG holds, together with the Asturias Business School, a Port Management Training Programme. It has a specific unit dedicated to Port Security Management (Module III – Port Management – Unit 12) in which the SERSCIS architecture and approach is included.

Research & Development
PAG is the most active port authority working in European Research in Spain, and one of the principal ports in Europe. Besides SERSCIS, currently we are also working in SAFEPORT, a FP7 Project under the GALILEO sub-programme, which aims to improve the safety of navigation in internal port water seaways as well as berth planning. SERSCIS will be a valuable input and background to ease the participation of PAG in future R&D related projects.

Port Safety
The Port PC & CCTV networks are a critical infrastructure to enable port functioning. SERSCIS will give a fresh approach to improve the general safety layout and architecture of the Port system, and will allow us to share with 4 other Spanish Ports: Bilbao, Barcelona Valencia and Algeciras, which together form the Port Safety and Security Group, a benchmarking group for technology and best practices transfer. We can similarly approach the Port Safety and Security Working Group at ESPO, the European Sea Port Organization based in Brussels, that gather the main 100 European ports.

Port Community
PAG regularly participates in several workshops, seminars and conferences dedicated to Port R&D across Europe. Port Safety and Security is a must, and probably the most important issue today. SERSCIS, along with PORTIDS, ROSES and other safety and security related projects have most recently been presented at the 3rd European Maritime Day in Gijón.
