Posted by: Andy Tickner | 11th October 2010

Open Knowledge Models

JRS and QinetiQ have published a paper at the Open Knowledge Models workshop at the EKAW 2010 conference. In this paper we present a subset of the ongoing technology developments being undertaken in the SERSCIS project. Rather than focusing on machine interpretable or human interpretable knowledge we attempt to produce a semantic modelling framework and associated software tools that facilitate both. This approach is necessary because our Critical Infrastructure case study requires models that can be used in two ways. Automatic dynamic service orchestration of runtime operations must occur very rapidly and ideally without human intervention. However, human operators need general oversight. Therefore human judgement and authorization will sometimes be needed where there are security or commercial implications in service or configuration details. The modelling framework covers a number of perspectives which are briefly introduced. The software tooling includes dedicated SOA security decision support and a general system knowledge exploration capability as well as dynamic service and workflow adaptation.

Briscombe N., Zeiner H., Halb W., Kirton M., and Derler C. (2010) Dynamic Service Orchestration Using Human and Machine Interpretable System Knowledge with Associated Graphical Software Tools. In: Open Knowledge Models Workshop (OKM 2010), October 2010, Lisbon, Portugal.
