What does it mean to be a healthy human person? Indeed, what is a normal human? Are risk factors the only reason to be cautious about this technology? The immediate medical applications would be to prevent genetic disorders by removing or replacing a disease-causing gene in an early embryo. But which genes should be modified? Those that are life-threatening, or life changing? What about ‘faulty’ genes that only produce their effects in later life? What are the boundaries between normal variation and disability?
So many questions, but is there an answer? Buy a ticket for our Christmas Lecture to hear
Keith Fox,
Professor of Biochemistry in the Centre for Biological Science at Southampton University and Associate Director of the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion, explore this fascinating moral maze.
Networking with mulled wine and mince pies concludes the evening. Money raised from ticket sales will be donated to charity.
Tickets cost just £5 and are available via
Eventbrite now. Book early to avoid disappointment.
Location – Innovation Centre Conference Suite – Southampton Science Park
Time – 16.30 – 19.00