6th December – Day 6

On a recentĀ trip to a blood-brain barrier conference hosted by Trinity College, Dublin, two of our early career researchers, Daniel Cohn and Joe Chouhan, Ā had an opportunity toĀ mingle amongstĀ world leaders in the field of the Blood brain BarrierĀ and both learnt a host of new information from across the UK and Ireland.

William Sealy Gosse- the inventor of the Student’s t test

An additional bonus of their trip was the discovery of William Sealy Gosset. Gosset, whilst working at Guinness, came up with the t-test to ensure quality was maintained between batches of the famous stout. Due to the policy of Guinness at the time, Gosset published his work under a psuedonym ā€œStudentā€, and so was created the Student t-test which many of us use to this day in parts of our scientific lives.

This info may be handy for the annual Christmas Trivial Pursuit gameĀ on science!
P.S. The Guinness is better in Ireland!!”
DECEMBER 6 – Where Guinness and Science collide!

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