Building trust in what you see
Tag: <span>individual users</span>

Trust and using local trust paths for recommendations

Trust is fundamental to Neighbourhood’s brand and technology. In this post I will pick up on an important finding from our survey, which highlighted the crucial importance of known connections to the take-up of Neighbourhood, by new users. And connect this to the notion of local trust, and trust paths, …

Service design for Neighbourhood

In recent years, ‘Service Design’ has become increasingly popular. It is a growing academic field, and its implementation is said to be behind the successes of highly popular businesses that fuse online social media with offline elements, activity and retail, for example Airbnb, Uber and Ocado. The Royal College of Art, …

Survey Questions and Analysis of results

Our user survey was conducted for 5 days from 28th April 2018 until the 2nd of May 2018. In total there were 10 questions, out of which 4 of them were optional based on previously selected options. Our initial plan for the survey was to capture information about interactions between …

Marketing in the real world: outdoor and ambient

Due to the nature of Neighbourhood, we are keen to be highly visible in local communities. This will encourage new users and clients to join the platform. Ambient marketing, may be simply described as: “the attempt to approach consumers in an expanded range of everyday spaces” Source: Elizabeth Moor, Journal of Consumer Culture …

GDPR, Neighbourhood and privacy by design

At Neighbourhood, privacy, trust and security are core to our values and offer to users. Our conceptual design, and the development of our technology, marketing and communications, follows a ‘privacy by design’ approach. This year in the UK the new Data Protection Bill comes into force. This represents the regulatory …


ERGO (Ethics and Research Governance Online) is a web-based programme run by the University of Southampton that manages research submissions and applications, and ensures studies take place in accordance with University policies governing: Ethics (; Data management (; Health and Safety (; Academic Integrity ( In order to receive approval from the ERGO …

Client Marketing Model – Deals Discounts and Rewards

As a consumer, our loyalty towards a brand, products or services is determined by the quality and customer services that they provide. Having said that deals and discounts also plays an important and an encouraging role in maintaining customer loyalty. We as consumers tend to get attracted towards a product …