Building trust in what you see


A persona or buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of an ideal customer based on market research and real data about existing customers. It provides a focus for the insight of an organisation about its users. By using buyer personas, a company is able to identify and attract the most valuable visitors, leads, and customers to the business.

We need to identify 2 different personas:

  1. Ideal user persona
  2. Ideal client persona

For the user side the ideal is someone who would like to share their interests with others in the nearby area. Especially a person who is new in town, and wants to participate in events and activities relating to their interests near them.

Our ideal client persona is a medium sized business owner that needs a promotion boost, or a new business that wants to attract customers for the first time.

In conclusion, developing user and client personas will help Neighbourhood focus on our marketing targets and utilize efforts effectively.

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