Building trust in what you see
Month: <span>March 2018</span>

Project Management: using Trello collaboration software

Our project team are using Trello project management software. Trello is a collaboration tool that enables the organization of a project on a board, displaying tasks for team members, and the status of each task(s) that they are working on. For our project we have created columns based on the …

Application design process

For our application design process, our designer Autumn, will: 1 evaluate these intended features: Join and create groups (subhoods) based on your interests e.g. sci-fi movies, table tennis, snowboarding – then attend subhood activities in the real world Subhoods are centred around a location, however trusted members can  invite others from beyond the …

Surveying potential Neighbourhood users

Our team is creating a survey to be distributed to our target audience. Its goal is to explore the level of need and desire among our target audience for our product offer.

We are targeting the survey at people of this profile in several countries:

Age group: 18+ (Ideally we would have wanted to target people aged 20-40, however, as this would require the capture of personal information, this is not going to be part of the survey.)
Professional status: Either working or students – 50/50

This will give us a broad level of insight into people’s opinions and experiences across different locations.

The survey will ask questions about our target audience’s:

  • Relationships and interactions with their neighbours
  • Leisure interests and how they pursue them

This will enable us to understand and consider further narrowing down and / or segmentation of our target audience.

Update: Please see the final results of the survey here.

By Mariam and Sumesh

Neighbourhood – our business model

In recent years, instead of writing lengthy business plans, that quickly become out of date, the ‘Business Model Canvas’ has become highly used by startup businesses, and is taught and advocated in many startup accelerators, such as Bethnal Green Ventures, which I have been part of while running a previous …