Wind tunnel tests on deep water underwater autonomous glider

As part of the BRIDGES EUH2020 ( research programme the hydrodynamic performance of the external shape was successfully validaterd in the large  R.J.Mitchell wind tunnel at the University of Southampton.  The glider is designed to carry out long duration autonomous scientific missions down to depths of 3000m. Current underwater gliders are typically limited in depth (~150 m). This is one of the funded projects underway in the maritime robotics laboratory.

Underwater glider suspended from overhead strut with an internal dynamometer measuring forces down to < 1N

Dr Artur Lidtke , Research Fellow in the Maritime Robotics Lab at the FSI Group, carrie dout the tests over a one week period. Thanks to the size of the facility, hydrodynamic performance of the AUV could be measured at full-scale Reynolds numbers, allowing detailed quantification of drag augments associated with different vehicle configurations. The information will help to validate the design, which has been devised based on fluid dynamic simulations (CFD),  allow better estimation of mission endurance, and lead to an improved understanding of performance of such AUVs in the future.
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