A lot has happened during the first few months of the semester. And by that, I don’t mean studying, sleeping, and eating (which was all I did during the whole summer). Many new clubs were formed, which most I have
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A lot has happened during the first few months of the semester. And by that, I don’t mean studying, sleeping, and eating (which was all I did during the whole summer). Many new clubs were formed, which most I have
Read moreIt was a nice day towards the end of summer. I had just returned home from a week by the beach and was gearing up for the 4 years of degree torture ahead. Luckily, I happened to stumble upon something
Read moreTwo months into my 3rd Year at Southampton, came the first event to be held away from home. Thanks to the Sri Lankan Society of the University of Warwick, the annual 6-a-side cricket tournament was held at Warwick for the
Read moreAnd so are many, many deadlines.
Read moreWhat’s that dark spot in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a plane? I doubt it’s Superman. Wait, don’t tell me it’s a…UFO?
Read moreThis is a long overdue post, given that my graduation ceremony was 3 months ago! I am told to submit my final blog post as a student blogger and I thought that there is no topic more appropriate than writing
Read moreA classroom of 60 turned into a classroom of 200, a 3 hour flight turned into a 13 hour flight, a 5 ringgit meal turned into a 5 pound meal and the list goes on. 17th of september was an
Read moreIt’s that time of year again. Yeah, I know classes are about to start but that’s not the point. It’s that summer break is ending, and I have 100 things left to do.
Read moreIf I were to have gotten a ringgit every time someone questioned how I started my first year as an undergraduate student at the age of 17, I probably would have enough extra pocket money to eat out for every
Read moreAnd by that I’m referring to accommodation. One of the things predominately on my mind last year, was whether to apply for a student residence or to rent a room from a house owner. As a third year student, we are
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