Teacher CPD

We are happy to work with teachers in schools and colleges, and can offer the following workshops and activities to help with continuing professional development:

Campus visit – Staff are welcome to visit our campus to sit in our core lectures, or to make special arrangements to attend specific classes taught by members of the department.

Library visit – Need access to new books or journals to prepare content for teaching, or for course work assignments? Contact us and we can make arrangements for a single member of staff, or your whole department to spend the day using our library and resources as our guests.

Re-sourcing History workshop – Want some new source material to use in your teaching? We can organise workshops to discuss what sort of material is available, discuss how best to access it, and share examples of the source material we have collected for our own teaching and research. These workshops can be hosted on our campus, or within your own schools/colleges.

EPQ/coursework workshop – We can arrange workshops in which we discuss ways to help students manage large research projects, from picking titles, to managing time, conducting primary source research, and writing up their findings.

Post-graduate study – The ultimate continuing development. Explore our postgraduate offerings, both at Masters and PhD level.

Personalised request – If there is anything else you think we could do to help you and your colleagues in the preparation of the next generation of historians, please don’t hesitate to contact us at HistoryOutreach@soton.ac.uk