Birds-eye view of people drinking coffee around a table with laptop and tablet used to represent ecoffee at SGH.

ecoffee @ SGHPanopto: not just lecture capture was our theme for December’s eCoffee, looking at the various ways Panopto can be used to support teaching, learning and assessment.

The university help pages for Panopto at are a great source to help you get started, and provide step-by-step guides to some of the other uses of Panopto that you might want to try.   Panopto is available via Additional Software on university computers, but can also be downloaded to your own laptop – details at the link above.

Panopto integrates with Blackboard, so once a Blackboard module is provisioned with Panopto, recordings can be directed straight into the module site.

Lecture capture

Sally Curtis talked about how Panopto supports learning on the BM6 programme and described herself as a ‘convert’ after her initial concerns about using Panopto proved largely unfounded.  Sally had felt she might have to adapt her teaching style, or that students might stop attending.  It’s agreed with students that lectures will be recorded as long as: attendance does not fall below an agreed percentage over a few weeks; students are responsible for reminding the instructor to record; and the content-heavy lectures in two modules are recorded, but not the more reflective discussion sessions in the other modules.

Panopto’s statistics show how students are using the recordings, and Sally has found this really helpful.  It has also demonstrated that students who watch the recordings are usually those who have attended the lecture.  While a lecture recording might be helpful for a student to catch up on a lecture they have missed due to illness, students who regularly don’t attend also don’t watch the recordings.

Reflecting on presentation skills

On the MSc Allergy programme, watching a Panopto recording back enables students to rehearse, reflect on and adjust their presentation style.  It is also valuable for lecturers to do the same!

There are various ways that Panopto can be set up so that students can record their own presentations for assessment – details are included under ‘Information for Tutors’ on the help pages here:

Sharing tutorials

The MSc Allergy course also includes online tutorials run through Skype for Business.  Not all students are able to make these, but the session recordings are uploaded to Panopto so that other students can access these here.

Assessment and feedback

An example of how Panopto is used to support OSPEs in Health Sciences is explained in the linked blog post. Students carrying out a practical assessment are able to watch back the recording with the examiner, reflecting on their performance.

Flipped learning

Recording a short video in advance of a face-to-face session can help prepare students, introducing content and questions to be discussed in the question.  Panopto quizzes can be embedded into the short video, offering an additional way for students to engage with the material and check their learning.


Mp3 audio files can be uploaded to Panopto, with an ‘enable podcast feed’ available in Panopto’s settings. An RSS feed can be set up to link Panopto with iTunesU, allowing users to subscribe.

Our next session will be Weds 6th Feb, 10-11 in LF8.  All welcome!

eCoffee @ SGH: Panopto – not just lecture capture!

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