CAHO Christmas Lecture
Dear all,
We are pleased to announce that the annual CAHO Christmas Lecture will be given by dr Penny Spikins from the University of York. In the spirit of the festive season she will talk about: Angels or Demons?:
Can the archaeological record tell us what motivated our earliest ancestors? For more details please see the abstract below.
The lecture will take place on 12 December (Thursday) 2014 at 4pm in the Wymer Lab, bld 65a, Avenue Campus. Wine and mince pies will be served.
Hope to see many of you!
Angels or Demons?: Can the archaeological record tell us what motivated our earliest ancestors?
From when science took over the story of what made us human we have been driven to understand the motivations of our ancestors. Were they angels or demons? The archaeological evidence appears to support either case depending how we view it. Perhaps it is not a question that we can answer, nonetheless we can address how emotional capacitiesevolved by considering archaeological evidence. Here I discuss two case studies – the evolution of emotional self-control and that of compassion and raise the question of why social emotions have been seen as difficult or even dangerous to research.