The need to keep technology in the background

My wife, who is currently working with a landscape design company, discovered this great post on Digital Storytelling from US based practice, Cannon Design, which concludes:

Our understanding of the environment can be enlightened by technology, but should not be replaced by it. So much of our human experience relies on our ability to explore, learn, and interpret. In many ways, GPS devices and online services are helping us better understand our world. They can certainly help to enrich our lives, but only if they are part of a greater personal experience. Like a game, finding our way around can be challenging, but when given the answer too soon, we lose the ability to learn from our experience and enjoy the story.

The the post also links to Serendipitor, an iphone app from Mark Shepard that “that helps you find something by looking for something else.”

This, especially in the “instructions for action and movement inspired by FluxusVito Acconci, and Yoko Ono, among others” makes me think about Phil Smith’s Counter-tourism. I can’t stop smiling, even though I’m wrestling internally with the concept of serendipity versus narrative paradox.